The Positive: Good job to anyone who supports a healthy diet! The way I eat is much more of a lifestyle choice than a diet, and I encourage others to think the same way. I joined a site for the community to learn even more - which I have! It is such a great way to live - and props to EVERYONE who is involved and making an effort!
The Negative: It really bothers me that people complain that it is "hard" or "expensive" or are negative in general about eating healthy and feel they "can't." I'm not referring to those who are trying and want to make the effort and need support - I am talking about those who say they want to be healthy or want to lose weight, etc.. and can't get their head around the fact that it's going to take some work.
Let's put the fact that "you" think this is "hard" into perspective: There are so many other hardships! Eating does not need to be one of them. There are SO many countries where civilians must eat what is AT HAND .. on the GROUND .. outside! Or go through a trading process, or what have you. They have to GO LOOKING for what to incorporate into their diet and daily routine with what is outside their window - or hike for it! They don't have google! They don't have the internet telling them how to be healthy! They only know what they see, and guess what? Them eating what is on the ground or hunting, and LEARNING from experience etc.. is what makes them healthier! They can sustain living with SO LITTLE .. because they have adapted to it! I am not saying there aren't other things that get in the way of their well-being, and there are so many other factors to take into consideration in other cultures in terms of what is "healthier" but just think about these facts when I consider my next statement:
Americans have the LUXURY that type of hardship (for the most part) or go looking for plants that are safe to eat and hike for miles to get there and lose sleep over the fact that we might not eat if we can't find it! WE, my friends, can drive down the street to our local grocery store. Why doesn't anyone else see how AWESOME this is? This is a luxury! We are spoiled, as Americans, into thinking this is a right! Assuming we can afford it, we are handed food on a silver platter. We take this for granted.. almost every one of us! Even those who can't "afford" it.. many thoughts are to STEAL what they need .. it's still right down the street! You still don't have to hunt your food!
This is not me being insensitive to those that have less, think of the parking ticket example: You don't pay your parking ticket because you can't afford the $10, so it doubles and you pay more later. Well, you don't eat right now, you buy off the dollar menu because it is cheaper, and you suffer long-term health effects. OR you are sooner malnourished because you didn't get the right nutrients the first time around.
Americans are consumed by the convenience of fast food and death in a bag! (Doritos, Potato Chips, Cookies, Candies, you name it!) Americans COMPLAIN if health foods are hard to find (and by HARD they mean not in front of their face at the grocery store or just down the street at the farmer's market or health food store) or if they are expensive (yes, they are more expensive sometimes, but refer to the parking ticket example). How is this "hard"?! Drive your ass down the street! Or heck, you are trying to be healthy and lose weight, WALK THERE! Bike there! We are so consumed by the conveniences that this society allows us to have that we COMPLAIN when we can't lose weight because it's not convenient?
We pay a price to live in this country - a harsh one. I am not talking about the general cost of living. I am talking about the cost of ruining the ONE body we were given!
Everyone has an opportunity to change their ways and change the way this country lives and operates! Maybe we can't shut down fast food restaurants or drive down prices of health foods, or make them taste like a twinkie (ew).. but we can educate ourselves and our friends and start to appreciate that we are ABLE to make these choices for what we eat, whereas so many others have no choice.
Lastly, remember that quick fixes are almost never sustainable, and goals wouldn't be goals if they were easy to attain. Life isn't always easy, but I would not call eating healthy a hardship. Think of the other hardships out there and appreciate what yo momma gave you.
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